Bracing yourself means Being Accountable to someone else

I recently ruptured my Achilles, and for 12 weeks - I was confined to a cast. It was pretty miserable for me because it made me co-dependent, and it made me slow down. The brace was positioned at an angle calculated by the doctor to allow that tendon to re-grow properly, without me baring a load thus re-injuring it, and to restrict me from moving in a way that would delay healing.
Even though I could have disobeyed at some point...removed the air cast during the process, the reality for me was that I had never ruptured an Achilles Tendon and didn't know the totality of risks surrounding a full recovery. Here is the life lesson that I learned:
1. Sometimes there are areas of our lives that require improvements and need to keep us from self-inflicting more damage. Submission to the process (bracing, and obeying) is voluntary, but absolutely in our best interest.
2. Others are put into our lives, be it family, friends or professionals, that have the wisdom, knowledge or experience to lead us to a desirable end state.
3. Braces are a personal decision.
When you have a vision or a need for change or improvement, you must be willing to brace yourself! YOU must align yourself with something or someone that understands the path to where you need to or want to go. They may ask you to do things that you've never done before, but if you know that they have your welfare as their motivating factor, stop resisting and brace yourself (cooperate). Commit yourself to whatever the process, tie-in, follow their lead and be accountable. As long as this is a health relationship, the end will always be better than the beginning.
You don't have to live like a moron, just listen to MooreRon!